IOM’s Operations Unit organizes and executes all movements, travels and operations which form part of IOM’s activities in Egypt to ensure smooth and effective project implementation on the ground.

The unit’s activities thus include resettlement, Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR), family reunification and self-travel for IOM staff.

In managing the movement of IOM’s beneficiaries, the unit’s work is manifold, and includes cooperating with the countries of destination’s embassies to secure travel or exit visas as requested prior to departure.

Flights arrangements are managed by IOM’s Operations Unit to facilitate the beneficiary’s movement. Close cooperation schemes with airlines facilitate the high number of beneficiaries assisted by IOM’s Operations Unit every year. Importantly, the unit functions as the regional operations unit for the Middle East and North Africa, supporting movement out of Gulf countries and North Africa.

IOM Egypt is also operating the resettlement of refugees and migrants to Australia, Canada, Europe, and the US with the support of a number of donors including the Australian Government, Canadian Immigration Services, and the US State Department.

Under the framework of the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), the Operations Unit handles movements to the US in close cooperation with the IOM’s Resettlement Support Centre (RSC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Assistance is also provided to refugees accepted under Canada’s Government-Assisted Refugees (GAR) Program, as well as in cases of family reunification.

IOM’s Operations Unit arranges movements under Humanitarian Assistance to Stranded Migrants, facilitating the assisted voluntary return of stranded migrants and asylum seekers whose requests were denied to their countries of origin.

Movement management can also include airport assistance in both the countries of departure and arrival, based on the beneficiary’s needs. Similarly, medical and operational escorts are provided when appropriate.

Complementarily, IOM delivers pre-departure orientation – a tailored briefing on the destination country – to beneficiaries as part of the pre-departure services.

IOM’s Resources Management Unit contributes to all aspects of IOM’s work in Egypt, providing essential support services to thematic units through its finance, human resources, IT and procurement teams.