
UN Migration Agency (IOM) Visits the Advanced Technical School for Hotel Management and Tourism Services: Education and Training Opportunities for Egyptian Youth in Fayoum Governorate

UN Migration Agency (IOM) Visits the Advanced Technical School for Hotel Management and Tourism Services: Education and Training Opportunities for Egyptian Youth in Fayoum Governorate

Fayoum, 18 April - Representatives from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) visited the Advanced Technical School for Hotel Management and Tourism Services in Fayoum that is currently being renovated and upgraded to become a center of excellence. The school is specialized in training Egyptian youth and offering labor market-oriented education based on international standards and high-quality services to the local community and other tourism schools around Egypt.

The school provides outstanding training opportunities to Egyptian youth in one of the governorates with the highest percentage of emigration. Set close to the shores of Qarun lake, on the road to Tunis village, the school has comprehensive facilities to develop the skills of the students to international standards. The curricula include theoretical and practical lessons, in addition to language courses and internship opportunities.

IOM collaborated with the school under the intervention “Education and Training for Egyptian Youth in Fayoum Governorate: Activities to Promote Regular Migration and Positive Alternatives”, funded and coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and implemented by IOM Egypt in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Education, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) and the Italian Tourism School E. Cornaro of Iesolo, Venice. The intervention was designed to provide youth with the skills relevant to the labor market in both Egypt and Italy to reduce instances of irregular migration from Fayoum. The intervention ended in 2013.

For more information, please contact Ms Monica Ibrahim, Tel: +202-27365140; Email: