
UN Migration Agency (IOM) Holds Information Session with Potential Partners on Call for Proposals for Community Cohesion and Access to Basic Services Initiatives

UN Migration Agency (IOM) Holds Information Session with Potential Partners on Call for Proposals for Community Cohesion and Access to Basic Services Initiatives

Cairo, 28 September 2017- IOM Egypt held an information session for registered local civil society organizations and private sector agencies on a call for proposals to support the implementation of small-scale projects for improving access to services and livelihood opportunities, while simultaneously supporting community cohesion between local communities and migrants.

Recognizing the needs to foster community cohesion between migrants and their host communities throughout North Africa, IOM embarked on the implementation of the RDDP programme in Egypt to support the Government of Egypt’s work in select migrant-dense areas; in parallel the RDPP programme is managed by IOM in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco.

In Egypt, over 50 representatives from 30 different organizations attended the information session, including local development organizations, community-based organizations and private sector agencies. During the information session, the applicants enquired about the eligibility criteria, priority interventions, partnerships with other organizations, financial procedures among various other issues.

“IOM has been working in Egypt for over 25 years. Our experience demonstrates that there are many capable agencies out there, yet some applications are not up to the calls’ requirements. These information sessions therefore ensure all applicants’ questions are answered, and is also an opportunity for the younger applicants to become familiar with the process. It’s a way of building the capacity of potential partners, all the while ensuring we receive qualitative proposals. It enhances efficiency and effectiveness.” Said Zeinab Sabet, IOM/RDPP Egypt.

IOM Egypt also used the opportunity to promote the Bosla platform, which serves as an information directory on providers offering different services to migrants residing in Egypt. BOSLA also has a forum where migrants can provide direct feedback to IOM who in turn ensures their queries are duly addressed. Since its launch in 2013, over 43 thousand users from 167 countries have used the IOM’s EU-funded BOSLA platform.

The call for proposals is one of the components of the “Regional Development and Protection Programme for North Africa (RDPP NA) – Development Pillar” funded by the European Union. The RDPP initiative supports the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities and Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. It also supports Egypt’s Vision 2030 social pillar.

For further information, please contact Teuta Grazhdani at IOM Egypt. Tel: +202-27365140, Email:­­.