
UN Migration Agency (IOM) Egypt Celebrates the Establishment and Support of 35 Micro-Businesses in Edwa and Maghagha districts, Minya Governorate

UN Migration Agency (IOM) Egypt Celebrates the Establishment and Support of 35 Micro-Businesses in Edwa and Maghagha districts, Minya Governorate

Cairo, Egypt – Within the framework of the Human Security through Inclusive Socio-economic Development in Upper Egypt (HAYAT) project, and in an effort to provide sustainable livelihood alternatives to irregular migration, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Egypt provided technical and financial support to 50 beneficiaries originating from Edwa and Maghagha districts, Minya Governorate, with the objective of establishing commercial or home-based micro-enterprises.

Business development, value chain, and specialized technical trainings were provided to over 60 beneficiaries -67% of whom were female job seekers- covering various specializations: Khyameya; hairdressing; sewing; mobile and computer maintenance. Trainings aimed at enhancing technical capacities and skills for better service provision, and enhancing production quality to ensure for increased competitiveness. 35 micro-businesses were thus established. “I returned from Jordan to Minya in order not to suffer the same fate my father suffered. My father worked in Jordan, and when he returned to Egypt, he found nothing back home: no friends, no work and no past. What you did for us during the past 4 months is something that I will be forever grateful for.” Said Saeed Roshdy, one of the beneficiaries who established his own micro-business specialized in computer maintenance.

“My neighbours and I have always wanted to work to help our families. We learned how to work on khayameya but we faced a major challenge in selling our products. We were often told the quality is not good enough and khayameya is slowly disappearing from the Egyptian local market. IOM helped us improve our skills and the quality of our products, and we now have better chances to access markets through “exhibition of productive families” -a social initiative supported by the Ministry of Social Solidarity to improve economic security while ensuring better access to market for home-made products. We even already sold to Diwan bookstore chain and this a great achievement”

Step2Future worked with the 50 participants to help them devise business feasibility studies. This resulted in some trainees partnering, which ultimately led to the establishment of 35 micro-enterprises. IOM then concluded the cycle by donating equipment, tools, raw materials and marketing materials for each of the 35 micro-enterprises. “Even if you (IOM) did not provide me with a sewing machine, after what I learned, I would be able to get mine. I sincerely thank you for all what you did. You completely changed our lives!” said Manal who together with her fellow trainees established a sewing workshop within a local NGO in Minya.

The initiative supports the achievement of UN Sustainable Goals 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth and 10 Reduced Inequalities, as well as the realization of Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Vision 2030, particularly with regards to “creating a fair, integrated society that is characterized by equality in rights and economic, social and political opportunities.”

For further information, please contact Teuta Grazhdani at IOM Egypt. Tel: +202-27365140, Email:­­.