
UN Migration Agency (IOM) Boosts the Engagement of the Private Sector on Migration in Egypt

UN Migration Agency (IOM) Boosts the Engagement of the Private Sector on Migration in Egypt

Cairo, 27 November – IOM Egypt partnered with the UN Global Compact Network to facilitate the “Strategic Roundtable on Business and Migration” to stimulate Egypt’s private sector engagement and partnerships on migration. The roundtable hosted over a dozen key business representatives, and highlighted the untapped potential of migration. “There are multiple strategic venues for the private sector to engage with migration, considering that 1 out of 7 people worldwide is a migrant. Around 3 million migrants in Egypt as well as more than 9 million Egyptians abroad represent potential consumers and partners for the private sector,” highlighted Mr. Amr Taha, the Head of Office of IOM Egypt. “Approximately 17.2% of Egyptian youth aspires to migrate temporarily, for a mean duration of 5 years, according to the Survey of Young People in Egypt conducted in 2014” he added. 

Robert Blaauw, director of Manpower’s TVCN company, presented an exemplary labour market initiative for the integration of refugees in the Netherlands. TVCN capitalize on the potential offered by refugees and promote their integration into the Dutch labour market. Selected migrants were trained as interpreters and directly employed by TVCN. Through this initiative, TVCN was able to build bridges with migrants in their communities, help them integrate and build a social network.

Engagement with the private sector falls within the framework of the Regional Development and Protection Programme for North Africa which responds to migration challenges by building the resilience and capacity of host communities and migrants to ensure community cohesion. The initiative is funded by the European Union. Community cohesion activities support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 16 Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies and Goal 17 Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development, as well as Egypt’s Vision 2030 of a “fair interdependent society characterized by equal economic, social, political rights and opportunities realizing social inclusion”.

For further information, please contact Ms Zeinab Sabet at