
Standard Operating Procedures for Protecting Children on the Move in Egypt

21 July 2022, Egypt- The International Organization for Migration (IOM) continues its efforts in cooperation with the National Coordinating Committee for Combating and Preventing Illegal Migration and Trafficking in Persons (NCCPIM&TIP), and under the auspices of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), in organizing three consecutive workshops targeting local Non-Governmental organizations which work in the areas of combating irregular migration and providing protection and assistance to vulnerable groups with a focus on children on the move.

IOM Egypt organized workshops starting in June 2022 and targeting more than 30 organizations located in various governorates: Upper Egypt, the Egyptian coastal side, and the Nile Delta. The workshops helped to train 85 NGO workers on the “Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Protection and Assistance of Child-Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Victims of Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons” and introduced them to the general terms and integrated definitions. The main objective was to enhance their knowledge and build their capacities to effectively follow the SOPs and referral pathways.

IOM alongside its partners; UNICEF, UNHCR, NCCM, and NCCPIM & TIP, introduced their roles and services for child protection and combating the crimes of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants during the workshops. They also worked on raising awareness of the risks of irregular migration and the provision of alternative opportunities. Moreover, the sessions included several practices and explanations of the governing laws, challenges, and responsibilities of relevant authorities at the national and international levels.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child remains the main international instrument to address the rights of children including children involved in migration. This workshop highlights the commitment of Egypt to ensure that the Convention, together with Egypt’s Child Laws No 12 of 1996 and 126 of 2008 are appropriately responding to the needs of the children. It is commendable to see all actors taking all measures to protect children in Egypt”, said Laurent de Boeck, Chief of Mission of IOM Egypt.

By the end of each workshop, all the participants provided their recommendations that will be reviewed by IOM and relevant partners to develop an effective action plan and create a comprehensive framework in the field of child protection in Egypt.

The workshops contribute to the achievement of the ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’, specifically Goal 16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” and Goal 17 “Partnerships for the Goals”. The workshops also align with IOM Egypt’s engagement with the Government of Egypt on child protection to ensure better living conditions, fulfillment of rights, and prevention of migration-related crime risks for children.

These activities were generously funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) through the Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) and the Government of the Netherlands through Cooperation on Migration and Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Solutions (COMPASS)


For more information, please contact: May Mazen, Programme Assistant,