
Joint Press Release – NCCPIM&TIP and IOM Distribution of Hygiene Kits on ERC’s Staff and Volunteers

2 August 2022, Cairo- The National Coordinating Committee for Combating and Preventing Illegal Migration and Trafficking in Persons (NCCPIM&TIP), in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), distributed 150 hygiene kits to ERC’s staff and volunteers who deal directly with the most vulnerable groups to the crimes of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants: whether Egyptian, Arab and African migrants or refugees.

Ambassador Naela Gabr, Chairperson of NCCPIM&TIP, explained the magnitude of both crimes, NCCPIM&TIP’s work in combating them, the relevant national efforts, in addition to the important role played by ERC’s volunteers and staff to support the most vulnerable communities to these crimes.

Ambassador Gabr also indicated that "Egypt pays great attention to the well treatment and hosting of foreign migrants, as well as to raise their awareness - along with Egyptians - to avoid falling prey to exploitation by traffickers or smugglers, besides the importance of directing victims of trafficking to the hotlines of the three National Councils for Human Rights (16000 of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, 15115 of the National Council for Women, and 15508 of the National Council for Human Rights) to ensure speedy and effective response and the provision of necessary protection and support services.

Moreover, ERC officials; Dr. Amal Imam - Director of the Volunteering Department and Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ragai - Director of Programs and Projects Department, provided an overview of ERC’s efforts in combating the crimes of illegal migration and trafficking in persons.

During his speech, Mr. Laurent de Boeck, IOM Egypt Chief of Mission, highlighted the continuous and fruitful cooperation between IOM and NCCPIM&TIP in combating the two crimes. He commanded the excellent cooperation IOM benefits from the ERC and asserted that "Volunteers and members of the Egyptian host community are the backbone of any endeavor that supports Migrant communities in Egypt, to ensure their integration into the communities in which they are residing and reducing their risks of exploitation. "

The event witnessed an interactive discussion with the audience where all inquiries were fulfilled regarding how to provide the necessary assistance and support in case victims are identified.

The event was concluded by emphasizing the importance of taking precautionary measures for protection against the COVID-19 pandemic, given the nature of the work of ERC’s staff and volunteers that essentially relies on direct interaction with different societal groups; be it Egyptian or foreign.