
IOM Supports Evacuation of Dozens fleeing conflict in Sudan through Egypt to Cameroon

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has supported the evacuation of 50+ Cameroon nationals who left Sudan and were assisted after crossing to Egypt back to their home country, Cameroon. The evacuation has been closely coordinated with the Embassy of Cameroon in Cairo and the Egyptian authorities.

The request for support initially came from the Embassy of Cameroon, who coordinated the evacuation from Khartoum to Aswan. IOM in Egypt provided transportation for the returnees from Aswan to Cairo and then from Cairo to Douala.

“IOM Egypt’s team is working around-the- clock with the Egyptian Authorities and several embassies in Cairo as well as the Egyptian Red Crescent (ambulance) to assist third country nationals in need of assistance to return in dignity to their countries of origin with humanitarian returns from the southern Egyptian borders”, stated Carlos Oliver Cruz, Chief of Mission of IOM in Egypt.

IOM, together with other UN agencies in Egypt, is working in close coordination with the Government of Egypt as well as the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) and relevant embassies to assist and provide support to the people crossing into Egypt, especially vulnerable groups. This includes supporting ERC to scale up a range of services they are already offering at the border, including the distribution of water and hygiene items, transportation and medical assistance.

On 2 May 2023, IOM received the Cameroonian returnees in Aswan. Essential services were provided including registration, medical counselling, and food. In Cairo, IOM provided the returnees with accommodation, food and necessary medical examination before their departure to Cameroon.

“Our citizens are back home safe thanks to IOM’s dedicated and professional team who have been working on this operation nonstop since our request. We truly appreciate all the efforts that have been exerted.” said H.E. Mohamadou Labarang, Ambassador of Cameroon to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Njifenjon, who left everything behind in Khartoum when he fled Sudan with his wife and four children, told the IOM team: “I gave our house keys to one of my neighbors. This was our home for ten years; I built my house from scratch there.” Njifenjon  has been living in Sudan for the past 10 years.

Ousman, another returnee in similar circumstances, also said: “This war is terrible, and I had no choice but to leave.”



For more information, please contact:

Salma Okasha, IOM Egypt,