
IOM Organizes Training on Protection of People on the Move for Egyptian Customs Officials

Alexandria - The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in cooperation with the Egyptian Customs Authority affiliated with the Ministry of Finance, organized a training for Egyptian customs officers on “Border Governance and Protection of People on the Move” in Alexandria, Egypt. The training was attended by twenty-one field frontline officers and technical desk officers from different seaports, airports and land ports/terminals located in the northern and northwest parts of Egypt near Alexandria, in addition to capacity-building officers from the National Customs Training Institute in Alexandria.

During the training, participants were introduced to key terminologies on migration, Immigration and Border Governance and Integrated Border Management topics that call on inter-service, intra-service and international cooperation for combating cross-border migration-related crimes. An Introduction to International Migration Law was also addressed. Participants were also sensitized on the international and national frameworks for combating Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants, and gender mainstreaming in migration.

H.E. Ambassador Naela Gabr, Chairperson of the National Coordinating Committee for Combating and Preventing Illegal Migration and Trafficking in Persons (NCCPIM&TIP), delivered a session on the role of the NCCPIM&TIP and its interventions as well as the national framework of combating both crimes. A session on the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking was also delivered. This training contributed to enhancing the knowledge of Egyptian Customs officers and key border management officials in the country, which is conducive to protecting vulnerable migrants and upholding their rights in line with principles of gender mainstreaming.

This training was generously funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. through ARMP (Africa Regional Migration Program) in Egypt.


For more information, please contact:

Salma Okasha,