
IOM Organizes Assisted Voluntary Return Study Visit to Netherlands for North African Officials

IOM Organizes Assisted Voluntary Return Study Visit to Netherlands for North African Officials

Cairo, 28 November 2016 - Eight senior government officials from Egypt, Sudan and Tunisia have travelled to the Netherlands to study best practices in Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) as part of a visit organized by IOM.

The participants learned about the referral mechanism between IOM, the Dutch Government and public stakeholders in the provision of AVRR to vulnerable and stranded migrants.

IOM emphasized the importance given to the reintegration of migrants in their home countries, which supports the development of their communities and reduces the likelihood of repeat irregular migration.

The North African delegation highlighted the importance of curbing irregular migration by bridging the gap between rich and poor countries through job creation and improving the quality of life in communities of origin.

AVRR is an integral part of migration management in the European Union. The Valetta Political Declaration called for improved cooperation on return and sustainable reintegration to enhance migration and mobility policy and make it more effective.

The study visit was funded by the United States as part of an IOM project: “Addressing irregular migration flows and upholding human rights of migrants along the north-eastern African migration route and North Africa - NOAH Phase IV”.

For further information, please contact Heba Abdellatif at IOM Egypt. Tel: +202-27365140, Email: