
IOM Egypt Organizes Bazaar with Future University in Egypt to Celebrate International Women’s Day 2019

IOM Egypt Organizes Bazaar with Future University in Egypt to Celebrate International Women’s Day 2019

Cairo, 27 March 2019 – In celebration of International Women’s Day, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in partnership with the Future University in Egypt (FUE), and with the support of Tadamon, organized a bazaar for migrant women with small businesses.

Following the successful partnership between FUE and IOM during the Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF) that took place in December 2018, FUE provided on-campus space for migrant and Egyptian women from the community to display their products to the university students and staff.

The bazaar hosted 30 migrant and Egyptian women who displayed their products at the university’s campus where more than 500 students had the chance to explore, purchase the products, interact and hear the stories behind the products.

IOM Egypt’s Chief of Mission, Mr. Laurent De Boeck, spoke to the students from different educational backgrounds about migration trends and cultural diversity in Egypt.

This event is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely Goal 5.1: End discrimination against women and girls; Goal 8.3: Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises; Goal 10.2: Promote universal social, economic, and political inclusion; Goal 10.3: Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination, and Goal 17.17: Encourage effective partnerships. The event is also in line the Government of Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Vision 2030.

For more information, please contact Omar Awwad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +2 02 2736 5140/1, Email: