
IOM Egypt Launches Tri-lingual Key Migration Terms Guide

IOM Egypt Launches Tri-lingual Key Migration Terms Guide

Cairo, 30 June 2020 –IOM Egypt has launched the Key Migration Terms publication, which translates migration-related key terms in Arabic, English, and French. This publication, which serves as a guide, has been developed for Arabic-speaking readers based on the English glossary published by IOM in 2019. It contains 73 terms related to migration in Arabic, English and French to ensure it can be used across the Arab world, including in the countries where French is the second language.

The Key Migration Terms publication aims to provide clear, accurate and updated explanations of key terms in the field of migration that matches the ongoing development in migration realities, contexts and frameworks. This guide is designed for use by workers in the migration field in national and international legislative, executive and judicial entities, non-governmental organisations, media workers, university professors, students and for anyone with an interest in migration. 

The publication, which has been arranged based on Arabic alphabet, contributes to the enhancement of Arabic knowledge production related to migration. This is of great importance, as the guide comes after the endorsement of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM); a road map for the countries to achieve a comprehensive objective which is migration that benefits all, that takes place in safe circumstances as an option not compulsory by harsh living conditions. The GCM was formally endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018.

Access the Key Migration Terms Guide here.

For more information, please contact Wigdan Mohamad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 1012 428 527, Email: