
IOM Egypt Launches BOSLA Mobile Applications

IOM Egypt Launches BOSLA Mobile Applications

Cairo, 26 May 2017 - IOM Egypt has recently launched a mobile application for Bosla, a migrant information-sharing website that provides information on services available to migrants in Egypt.

Building on the website, the mobile application is available on Android, iOS, and Windows and reflects an interactive functioning directory of services available to migrants, where they can interact and provide their respective feedback and inputs to service providers, as well as on conditions and assistance available in their communities of origin. The two-way communication also allows IOM to constantly improve Bosla based on the feedback received.

By making Bosla platform accessible on mobile devices, IOM aims to maximize the outreach to migrants residing in Egypt and ensure a fast, easy and most effective access to information.

Meaning “compass” in Arabic, Bosla was developed to orient migrants towards agencies throughout Egypt regarding critical, essential and basic services as well as events available to migrants in Egypt. Both the website and the mobile application include an online directory of local organizations that provide services, allow and promote activities for the benefit of migrant communities in Egypt.

Going forward, Bosla will be turned into a regional platform covering five targeted countries: Algeria, Egypt, Libya Morocco and Tunisia, including the relevant features that would make the platform accessible in different languages identified by IOM as most commonly spoken by the target migrant communities in all five countries to improve its two-way reach in migrant-dense communities.

Bosla was initially launched within the framework of the European Union (EU)-funded programme, "Stabilizing at-risk communities and enhancing migration management to enable smooth transitions in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya – START" and its revamp was concluded in June this year also under START. Ongoing support has been provided by another EU-funded project: “Community Resilience Initiative to Support the Regional Development and Protection Programme in North Africa – RDPP.”

For further information, please contact Ms Yasmin Abdalla at IOM Egypt. Tel: +202 27365140, Email: