
IOM Egypt Holds a Donor Briefing to Launch its 2021 Annual Report of Achievements

Cairo, 11 April 2022 - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Egypt has last week hosted a Donor Briefing, to launch its 2021 Annual report of Achievements and 2022 Action Plan.

The event, which took place on 6 April 2022 in Cairo, was opportunity to present the annual report of IOM Egypt achievements during 2021 in relation to regular actions with multidimensional purposes in response to the three main pillars of IOM Egypt strategy 2021-2025 and unveil the strategic approach to the IOM 2022 action plan based on seven programmatic work areas.

The event was jointly inaugurated by H.E. Ms. Neveen El-Husseiny, Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for Migration, Refugee Affairs and Anti Human Trafficking at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Elena Panova, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Egypt, and Mr. Laurent De Boeck, and IOM Chief of Mission to the Arab Republic Egypt. The event was attended by more than 50 representatives from various international entities, ministries, United Nations agencies, faith-based institutions and diplomatic personal.

In her opening remarks, H.E. Ms. El-Husseiny highlighted the fruitful coordination between IOM Egypt and the Government of Egypt in combatting trafficking in persons and irregular migration. On the other hand, Ms. Eelna Panova, the United Nations Resident Coordinator stressed the importance of the joint platform for migrants and refugees in Egypt and its role to ensure the sustainability and long-term impact of humanitarian efforts to the migrants and refugees’ lives.

“I commend the effective role of the Government of Egypt in promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all.” Said Mr. Laurent de Boeck, IOM Chief of Mission to the Arab Republic Egypt. “The positive results and continuous progress would have not been achieved without the commitment of IOM local and international partners and the successful partnership with civil society organizations and the private sector.”

IOM Egypt has reached out more than 9 million beneficiaries in 2021 and provided tailored assistance to more than 70,000 migrants and host community members.

During the event, IOM Egypt revealed its plan of actions for 2022 which will focus on 3 main axes; address vulnerabilities, enhance resilience, and support partnerships. This will be achieved through different seven programmatic work areas focusing on humanitarian assistance and protection, supporting peace safety and security, economic empowerment, upskilling and digital transformation, reinforcing joint action in the face of environmental and climatic degradation, improving health and well-being of migrants and host communities, strengthening evidence-based migration governance and enabling safe and regular routes for mobility.


For further information, please contact Omar Awwad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 101 2428 527 Email: