
IOM Egypt Distributes Care Packages to Migrant Communities to Better Support Them in the Fight Against COVID-19

IOM Egypt Distributes Care Packages to Migrant Communities to Better Support Them in the Fight Against COVID-19

Alexandria, 8 April 2020 –Under the ongoing “We Care” campaign, IOM Egypt distributed care packages to different migrant communities in Cairo and Alexandria to better support them in the fight against COVID-19. 

IOM Egypt responded to the COVID-19 crisis which is affecting many already vulnerable migrants by providing basic care packages which consists of food and hygienic items. Initially, 400 food baskets were distributed in Alexandria and the North Coast through Caritas.

To avoid the accumulation of crowds, where the coronavirus disease can easily spread, beneficiaries approached the Organization during staggered times. Working with Caritas Alexandria, IOM Egypt also delivered food baskets to the beneficiary’s homes, in order to avoid gatherings and crowds.

In Cairo, IOM Egypt also coordinated with the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) to deliver the care packages door-to-door throughout the different migrant communities in Cairo. ERC staff and volunteers are working closely with IOM Egypt to distribute much needed items to vulnerable migrants across Cairo; with the support of ERC, several hundred migrants will be receiving these items from the comfort of their homes and communities.

This initiative is part of IOM’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan developed to protect the most vulnerable migrants and in line with United Nations’ SDGs, namely Goal 1: End poverty and Goal 10: Reduced inequalities. It is also in line with the objectives of Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Vision 2030, particularly its Social Justice Pillar.

For more information, please contact Wigdan Mohamad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 1012 428  527, Email: