
IOM Egypt Continues Distributions of Food and Essential Items to Already Vulnerable Migrants in Alexandria Endangered by the COVID-19 Pandemic

IOM Egypt Continues Distributions of Food and Essential Items to Already Vulnerable Migrants in Alexandria Endangered by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Alexandria, 13 May 2020 – In response to COVID-19, IOM Egypt continues to distribute food baskets and essential items to vulnerable migrants in Alexandria. Many of these migrants were already vulnerable prior to the pandemic, and have since lost their source of income due the lockdown. 

This distribution, the third to take place, provided 200 food baskets to the Yemini community, bringing the total of food baskets distributed by IOM Egypt to 840. Next week, IOM Egypt will be distributing food baskets to the Syrian community in Alexandria, which will bring the total to 1,040.

The distributions began the first week of April, targeting different migrant communities Alexandria. Distributions have already taken place for the Sudanese and South Sudanese communities. 

Previously, IOM Egypt provided 300 basic care packages which consisted of food and NFIs (non-food items), which were distributed in Alexandria and the North Coast through Caritas Alexandria, who also collaborated to deliver basic necessities to migrant communities in order to avoid the accumulation of crowds.

The NFIs are funded by the EU-IOM Joint Initiative, which continues to support returnees, migrants, and host communities in the MENA region. The EU-IOM Joint Initiative reinforces awareness-raising activities and adds valuable support to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. 

IOM Egypt also provided assistance in the form of food baskets to 40 Mauritanian students in May, who were stranded due to the closure of airports. 

The Organization is committed to supporting migrants during this pandemic, who are hardest hit due to loss of income, discrimination and stigma.

This initiative is part of IOM’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan developed to protect the most vulnerable migrants and in line with United Nations’ SDGs, namely Goal 1: End poverty and Goal 10: Reduced inequalities. It is also in line with the objectives of Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Vision 2030, particularly its Social Justice Pillar.

For more information, please contact Wigdan Mohamad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 1012 428  527, Email: