
IOM Egypt Collaborates with the Governorate of Giza to Contain COVID-19 by Donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 Awareness-Raising Materials to the 22 Villages in the Governorate, and Plans Future Awareness-Raising Campaigns

IOM Egypt Collaborates with the Governorate of Giza to Contain COVID-19 by Donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 Awareness-Raising Materials to the 22 Villages in the Governorate, and Plans Future Awareness-Raising Campaigns

Giza, 21 April 2020 – IOM Egypt’s Medical Health Unit visited the medical team in Giza Governorate to distribute essential items needed to protect against the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and met with health leaders in Giza in order to coordinate future awareness-raising activities together for the public.

In line with the IOM Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to COVID-19 and to support the Government efforts, IOM donated personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 awareness raising materials to Giza Governorate as per the coordination with the Deputy Governor, Dr. Hend Abdelhalim, in order to be used by 700 national healthcare leaders during their work on raising awareness among the population covering 22 villages in Giza. The donations included 3,500 surgical masks, 3500 pairs of latex gloves, 175 liters of hand sanitizers and 35,000 flyers in Arabic language.

“[It is] not the first time to cooperate with IOM and I am sure it won’t be the last. I’m glad we could unite our efforts to face the negative consequences caused by Coronavirus” said Dr. Hend Abdelhalim, Deputy Governor of Giza Governorate.  

This action is in line with the IOM Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to combat COVID-19 and part of IOM support to the Egyptian government’s efforts in order to mitigate the effects of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 on the population. IOM Egypt and the government of Egypt continue to work closely and collaborate on efforts to support the general population in the face of this global health crisis. 

For more information, please contact Wigdan Mohamad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 1012 428 527, Email: