
IOM Egypt Celebrates International Migrants Day 2022 With Migrant Communities in Cairo and Alexandria

Cairo and Alexandria - The International Organization for Migration in Egypt (IOM Egypt) commemorated the International Migrants Day (December 18th) with three events for migrants in Cairo and Alexandria.

On 16 December, IOM Egypt arranged an International Migrants Day Bazaar at IOM’s office in Cairo where migrants from Ethiopian, Syrian, Eritrean and Yemeni communities sold handcrafts, food, jewelry, and traditional clothes.

The bazaar was a great opportunity to promote community cohesion and supporting small businesses operated by migrants.

On 17 December, IOM Egypt in partnership with the United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) in Egypt organized an event for 150+ migrants from Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen, and Ethiopia in Cairo focusing on highlighting the role of migrants in their host communities, raising awareness on the impacts of climate change and counter-trafficking, and equipping participants with tools for stress management through various sessions.

During the day, UNV shared information on volunteerism, and Scouts organized fun activities for children including face painting, coloring, and games. The participants received blankets and food vouchers to prepare for the coming winter months.

On 22 December, IOM Egypt is planning to hold an event in Alexandria for 100+ migrants from Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria that will include a talent show where each community will organize music, dance, poetry performances and showcase traditional costumes. IOM personnel will also deliver legal and medical sessions and distribute food vouchers.

The estimated number of international migrants has increased over the past five decades. Currently, approximately 281 million people are international migrants living in a country other than their country of birth.

Every year, people around the world face the devastating impacts of conflicts, diseases, disasters, and climate change that force them to migrate.

At the end of 2021, a staggering 59.1 million people were internally displaced (55 million in 2020). 53.2 million were due to conflict and violence while 5.9 million were due to disasters. While some regions are affected more than others, no nation is spared the risks of displacement. Egypt hosts millions of international migrants and refugees originating from 133 countries.

Since its establishment more than 70 years ago and its debut in Egypt about 30 years ago, IOM has assisted millions of migrants around the globe and continues to lead the way in promoting the orderly and humane management of migration. 

On this International Migrants Day, and every day, IOM reaffirms its commitment to promoting a humane and orderly management of migration for the benefit of all, including the communities of origin, transit, and destination.

These events marking the International Migrants Day were generously funded by the EU and the Governments of Denmark, Finland, Italy and the Netherlands.