
IOM and the Italian Ambassador to Egypt Sign an Agreement for the Implementation of New Development Projects

IOM and the Italian Ambassador to Egypt Sign an Agreement for the Implementation of New Development Projects

Cairo, 5 February 2019 – The Directorate General for Development Co-operation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) signed an Agreement for the implementation of the second phase of the “Initiatives for Local Development of Egypt through the support of Egyptians Abroad” (ILDEA) project, to be implemented by IOM.

The project supports the Government of Egypt’s efforts to engage Egyptian expatriates in the development of the Country. It will do so through supporting the finalization of a policy framework on expatriate engagement along with the development of a communication plan to reach expatriate communities as well as promote trade and investment to Egypt. The project envisages a participatory approach with the involvement of various stakeholders in migration and development affairs.

“Today’s signature stands in the framework of the long-lasting, multi-faceted and successful cooperation between Italian and Egyptian Authorities in the field of migration”, said H.E. Mr. Giampaolo Cantini Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to the Arab Republic of Egypt. “Namely, ILDEA proves once again the efforts by Italy in fighting illegal migration with the fundamental cooperation of IOM, both in Egypt and in the region. The Italian Cooperation renews its commitment to work together with both the Ministry of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency”, emphasized the Ambassador. “Italy joins the initiatives of Egyptian Authorities aimed at the social development of the most concerned areas, with a special focus on youth and women.” Ambassador Cantini added.

“I am delighted to scale-up our support to the policies and programmes of the Ministry of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency, thanks to the Development Co-operation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation”, said Laurent De Boeck, IOM Egypt’s Chief of Mission. “This represents to me the best example of the strong links between migration and development, recognizing the strong role that Egyptian expatriates have in the development of their country of origin”, added De Boeck. “At a time when the general discourse on migration may be negatively perceived, it is passing a positive message on the role that migrants play in host and origin countries.”

The first phase of the project was implemented by IOM Egypt in partnership with the Ministry of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates’ Affairs and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency. The project contributes to the overarching aim of curbing irregular migration through supporting the implementation of five small-scale local community development initiatives in Assiut governorate, providing job opportunities as well as covering areas such as health and the environment. The initiatives have exceeded the intended number of beneficiaries reached and one of them has been replicated by other local actors in the governorate.

ILDEA supports the realization of Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030. It also falls in line with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, specifically the UN Sustainable Development Goals, namely Goal 1: ‘Poverty Eradication,’ Goal 8: ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth,’ Goal 10: ‘Reduced Inequalities,’ and Goal 17: ‘Partnership for the Goals.’

For more information, please contact Omar Awwad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +2 02 2736 5140/1, Email: