
IOM and Embassy of Denmark sign Agreement to implement the second phase of SPHERE Project in Egypt

IOM and Embassy of Denmark sign Agreement to implement the second phase of SPHERE Project in Egypt

Cairo, 1 November 2020 - The International Organization for Migration, Mission to the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the Embassy of Denmark in Egypt signed an agreement for the implementation of the second phase of the SPHERE project.

The first phase of the project was implemented by IOM Egypt in partnership with the Government of Egypt and, in particular among other institutions, with the National Coordinating Committee for Combatting and Preventing Illegal Migration and Trafficking in Persons, the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, the National Council for Women as well as the National Council for Human Rights.

The new phase of the project builds on the achievement of the completed phase. SPHERE aims at expanding and strengthening the national response in migration management while protecting and assisting victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants at risk of exploitation in Egypt on a rights-based approach.

The new project also provides resources to further support the capacity of the Government of Egypt to identify, face and respond to irregular migration challenges and to counter migration-related crimes.

While the Government of Egypt has progressed migration management and control of irregular migration both from and to Egypt, migration has recently been included as a pillar of the country’s Vision 2030. The momentum of this inclusion will support enhancement of protection and strengthening of institutional capacities to ensure safe, humane and orderly migration for all.

“I am very glad to launch the second phase of SPHERE II combatting trafficking and irregular migration with the IOM, highlighting our Danish priorities and our strategy for development cooperation and humanitarian action and signifying the joint efforts of Egypt and Denmark to enhance the protection of migrants and combat trafficking,” said H. E. Mr. Svend Olling, Ambassador of Denmark to Egypt.

“IOM is grateful for the cooperation with the Govenrment of Egypt and the support of the Government of Denmark in enhancing the migration management and countering the pertaining crimes while protecting the rights of migrants and human trafficking victims. The new phase of SPHERE project will contribute to this aim and to consolidate the partnership with the scope of making the response effective in the interest of the most vulnerable categories of the society, whose conditions have been worsening even more due to the COVID-related crisis” said Mr. Laurent De Boeck, IOM Chief of Mission in Egypt.

SPHERE project supports the realization of Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt’s Vision 2030. It also falls in line with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, specifically the UN Sustainable Development Goals, namely, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities; Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions and Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals.

For more information, please contact Omar Awwad at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 1032 049 144, Email: