
Green Egypt Initiative: Greening the IOM Egypt Office

Green Egypt Initiative: Greening the IOM Egypt Office

Cairo, 23 April – To support the United Nations’ environment-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), IOM Egypt is stepping up efforts to “green” its office, invest in sustainable resources and efficient facilities, and reduce its carbon footprint.

This initiative is in line with IOM’s institutional work programme on environmental sustainability launched in 2017. The organization aims to improve environmental sustainability of operations at the strategic, programmatic and facility levels.

IOM Egypt recently established an internal environmental working group—named Green Egypt—to mainstream environmental sustainability in procurement and programmes. Green Egypt comprises of staff from each unit, representatives who act as ambassadors from Green Egypt within their respective teams and are committed to a list of goals for 2018.

In line with the UN campaign ‘Say Yes to Less’ to improve waste management practices in UN offices around the world,  IOM Egypt is committed to the following achievements by the end of 2018:

  1. Reduce by 50 per cent the use of printed paper
  2. Eliminate disposable plastic cups
  3. Introduce recycling in partnership with local actors
  4. Assess the environmental sustainability of new initiatives and include environmental sensitivity and sustainability in programming and project development

Guest speakers from other UN agencies and local partners regularly join the Green Egypt sessions to provide new ideas and perspectives to catalyze change. The most recent speaker was Emad Adly, the General Coordinator of the Arab Network for Environmental Development (RAED).

In an effort to link greening initiatives to staff well-being and teamwork, IOM Egypt also supports a gardening initiative for staff members and has four office pets cared for by staff and with voluntary contributions from staff members.

The IOM Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa has joined IOM Egypt in its initiative.

For more information about the report, please contact Tanja Pacifico: