
Embassy of Japan and IOM Egypt Visit NGO Providing Services to Syrian Refugees and Egyptians in 6th of October Area

Embassy of Japan and IOM Egypt Visit NGO Providing Services to Syrian Refugees and Egyptians in 6th of October Area

Cairo –Representatives from the Embassy of Japan in the Arab Republic of Egypt and International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Migration Agency, visited Watan for Culture and Social Development, an NGO operating principally in 6th of October area of Cairo.

IOM partnered with Watan during the implementation of past interventions to improve access to quality education and health for Syrian refugees and host communities in 6th of October.

The partnership between IOM and Watan resulted in the establishment of a medical and dental clinic serving the Syrian community and other vulnerable beneficiaries in the 6th of October, as well as a fully-equipped laboratory. IOM also provided Watan with basic medications to benefit the same caseloads.

“Things are better now,” said a female beneficiary to IOM’s Dr. Ahmed AbdelRahman, “because my children and I can have dental care. Before, it was very complicated.”

IOM also supported the promotion of Watan’s educational services and assisted the NGO in providing transportation incentives to encourage young girls’ schooling.

The Embassy of Japan funds IOM’s ongoing assistance – delivered in partnership with community-based NGOs such as Watan – to Syrian female refugees and other vulnerable caseloads to promote community cohesion and further improve access to healthcare and education, as well as enhance income generation opportunities. 

There are currently more than 120,000 Syrian refugees registered with UNHCR in Egypt. In Greater Cairo, the highest concentration of Syrian refugees can be found in 6th of October, El Obour, Nasr City, Giza, Al Maadi, Ain Shams and Al Marg.

Supporting education and healthcare is in line with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Agenda – particularly Sustainable Development Goals 3 Good Health and Well Being, 4 Quality Education, and 10 Reduced Inequalities – and the realization of the social justice pillar of Egypt’s Strategy for Sustainable Development: Vision 2030.

For more information, please contact Monica Ibrahim at IOM Egypt. Email:, Tel: +2 02 2736 5140/1.